Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Remembering 2013 . . .

For me, 2013 will always be a "monumental year" in my life. Starting with my knee surgery, the pace of the year has only increased. 

My diabetes journey began on January 31st. I'll never forget the feeling of sitting in the hospital bed - lost, overwhelmed, and scared. When facing a disease that demands constant attention and care, susceptibility to defeat is continually present. I think that is one attribute of Type One that will always exist - the constant battle for good numbers . . . it's part of Type One's life-long package that must be continuously addressed.

As other Type Ones have stated, the beginning is the hardest . . . grief turns into acceptance, and you learn how to deal with Type One.

Granted, life will never be the same, but through the process of accepting the deep pain that Type One brought into my life helps me be able to grasp a level of others pain around me.

Pain and grief almost work as components to bring humans closer to God and closer to each other. Sadly, life-changing problems are often necessary to force people to look for solutions outside themselves.

When one allows bitterness to settle in the stead of acceptance, they set themselves up for failure.

As for my "Type-One-Diabetes-New-Year-Resolution", I am hoping that I can get a chance to use Type One to help connect with other Type One's out there. Sometimes the worst thing a struggling Type One can do is seclude themselves and suffer alone in isolation. 
Well, I have a busy week-end of counseling teens ahead of me, so I had better start packing! 
First time being a counselor with a pump . . . this will be memorable! (in a good way!)   

Oh, and since this is my first year living with Type One, I thought I'd ease myself into this . . .


  1. Praying for you this weekend, Caleb! :)

  2. It is too late here in Canada but in search for ,ore information. I read a few posts. Love your sense of humour! I will tell my son about you tomorrow! Wishing you great year with less lows!

  3. I agree with you. I cannot imagine how it must feel to be diagnosed with such disease, but I know it feels confusing. You'll have all the emotions go through you from grief, denial, anxiety and even anger. It’s a myriad of emotions that you can’t even figure out how to feel at the end of the day. But you know what, I know you’ll be fine. I wish you all the best, Caleb!

    Aubrey Holloway @ Primary Care


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