Sunday, May 18, 2014

D Blog Week- Day 7: My Favorite Things

"As we wrap up another Diabetes Blog Week, let’s share a few of our favorite things from the week. This can be anything from a #DBlogWeek post you loved, a fantastic new-to-you blog you found, a picture someone included in a post that spoke to you, or comment left on your blog that made you smile. Anything you liked is worth sharing!"

First of all, this has been an amazing experience! I absolutely loved the opportunity to have topics provided for me, and the incredible Type One's I have met through this! Thank you especially to Karen Graffeo at Bitter~Sweet for heading this up!
Each day, I took a few minutes to scroll through other blogs after submitting my own. There is no way I could possibly pick a favorite- each and every blog had special personal views of life with diabetes. That's one of the awesome parts of the DOC (Diabetes Online Community) is that it provides endless amounts of stories, ideas, and support! 

One of my favorite posts this week would be Keri Sparling's "Diabetes Hacks". Due to the fact that the Type One Trio is relatively new to Type One, we haven't quite figured out all the "hacks". Keri had mulitple helpful ideas that will surely be implemented into our diabetic living! :)

One of the newest blogs I found was Katet1d's Blog. She does an excellent job of personalizing her T1D story. Looking forward to getting to do more reading there!

Overall, this was an amazing week of blogging and I look forward to next year's D-Blog Week! Thanks to all who participated, and to all my readers - like you! :)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

D Blog Week- Day 6: Saturday Snapshots

Today it’s time to share some pictures for Saturday Snapshots.  Back for another year, let’s show everyone what life with diabetes looks like!  With a nod to the Diabetes 365 project, let’s grab our cameras again and share some more d-related pictures.  

I thought it would be a better idea if I went through the "diabetic archives", again, to show you our life with T1D.

 (This is one month's supply from the Pharmacy, this doesn't include Pump supplies- they wouldn't have fit into the picture!)

(This was me doing my college work before the pump) 

 (This is me doing college work after the pump) 

*As we progress along through these pictures, may I add- I have a "thing" with taking pictures of all the highs. I don't have pictures of the good numbers because they aren't as exciting. Please do not assume that numbers are always this high . . . they aren't. :) 

(Lowest T1Trio low on record- we strive to NOT break this record)

(The dreaded "No Delivery", if you have a pump- you understand) 

  (Three T1s in three years.) 

 In conclusion, here are a few snapshots of our T1D life! I have thoroughly enjoyed this D Blog Week!! Our final day is tomorrow. If you would like to read more diabetic blogs, go to Bitter~Sweet "read on"! :)

Friday, May 16, 2014

D Blog Week- Day 5: Diabetes Hacks

"Share the (non-medical) tips and tricks that help you in the day-to-day management of diabetes.  Tell us everything from clothing modifications, serving size/carb counting tricks to the tried and true Dexcom-in-a-glass trick or the “secret” to turning on a Medtronic pump’s back-light when not on the home-screen"

 I wish I had a super long list of your amazing hacks, but for the Type One Trio- we've only been in this for four years. We have a lot of hacking tips to discover!
 Though I may not have any "hacks" for you, I'll tell you how to have PERFECT Blood sugars! 

Today at my siblings appointment, our Endo told them a story about her most complex Type One she has cared for.

Her patient, a mere 12 year old, would come for his appointment every three months. Our Endo would do the usual: hook up the tester, talk about the sugar levels, and then compare and review to the A1C.

For his glucometer readings, he had perfect blood sugars. No highs or lows.

As for his A1C- it was 14
 (That's an average of 380!!)

Perplexed, she would inquire how this could be possible. The diabetic would deny everything and reply that he was doing what they asked. Testing his blood- and giving insulin.

Our Endo never figured it out- year after year his A1C progressed to get worse. She was completely stumped and couldn't get him to cooperate.

Years went by and the diabetic boy moved on. Many years later, she ran into him at a grocery store. He was then in college and doing much better with his T1D care. When she asked about his crazy A1Cs as a child he simply replied,

"Easy . . . I tested my dog"

Live and learn: You CAN test your dogs blood sugar, but the A1C never lies. :)

(Disclaimer: Although I should never have to say this- do not be "that one" who will repeat this at home!)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

D Blog Week- Day 4: Mantras and More

"Today let’s share what gets us through a hard day.  Or more specifically, a hard diabetes day.  Is there something positive you tell yourself?  Are there mantras that you fall back on to get you through?  Is there something specific you do when your mood needs a boost?"

  A diabetes day. 

What is a hard diabetes day? 

They are inevitable- and usually inescapable.

Days when we have to give multiple site injections for our pumps - because of a bent cannulas.
Days when we have to test our blood sugar every hour to give insulin - because of high ketones.
Nights when it is 2:30 AM and you are drinking orange juice -  because of low blood sugar.

The list goes on . . . 

Simply put - if you have diabetes, you are going to have hard days. 

If you think about it, a diabetic's blood sugars are constantly fluctuating from low to high- all the time. High blood sugars will affect the way you think, feel, and respond because of too much sugar in your bloodstream. Low blood sugars have the same affect, but this time there is too little sugar to properly function. The human body isn't made to have blood sugars of 34 or 589. When you leave the "normal range"(80-120), you begin a journey into an emotional and physical roller-coaster ride. 

So . . . what does one do when these hard days gloom overhead? 

For the Type One Trio, it seems to be a constant rotation. One will be low, one will be high, and one will be perfect- you never really know. When the bad days come, it helps to have each other because there is a foundation to work off of through the day. The one(s) that are feeling good, are able to help the one(s) that isn't.

Many times there is nothing you can do to avoid a "hard diabetes day." Medication, colds, and allergies all have special abilities to skyrocket our blood sugars. Learning to keep a right perspective is essential.

For me it is simple: 

We are still alive.

Sure, Type One is not easy, predictable, or safe - but we still have an incredible gift: life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

D Blog Week- Day 3: What Brings Me Down

"May is Mental Health Month so now seems like a great time to explore the emotional side of living with, or caring for someone with, diabetes. What things can make dealing with diabetes an emotional issue for you and/ or your loved one, and how do you cope?"


I personally think this a great topic because it delves deeper into diabetes than most would think.

 I constantly get others "friendly input" on how easy it is to manage Type One- how I have the technological equipment to adequately control my disease . . . yet it's not that straight forward. 

First off, the "technological equipment" has its setbacks. Sure, we have come milestones from the discovery of insulin. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. Yet diabetes isn't something you can just shrug off. It doesn't stop at "how far we have come".

Secondly, the psychological side to Type One is big. Every day presents itself with different challenges and setbacks. Every challenge takes a mental toll. The "what ifs" never stop bombarding your thinking. Whether day or night, diabetes doesn't stop.

As of this past week, our hearts grieved with the family that lost their loved one

A young diabetic girl died in her sleep with "complications of Type One Diabetes". In this case, her "complication"was a low blood sugar. "Complications". Complications that every Type One faces, every Type One dreads. What does all the other Type Ones think . . . what do they say? 

My mind still hasn't stopped thinking about her family and the grief they are experiencing. The more I think about her and her family, the faster my mind spins. I can't find peace in my heart on my own.

Which leads to the last question, "How do you cope?

For some, they don't. They succumb to their grief, their pain . . . they lose.

For myself, I can't find anything in myself, but I can find everything in God. 

I know for some, this may be an automatic "turn off". But for me, it is everything. God provides the reason for living, the reason for my existence . I don't know the future, but I know someone who does.

I may never know the true reason that I have Type One Diabetes, why my younger siblings have Type One, but I know that God does- and that's good enough for me!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

D Blog Week- Day 2: Poetry Tuesday

For today's D Blog week topic, "Write a poem, rhyme, ballad, haiku, or any other form of poetry about diabetes."

After coming up empty on my poetry skills, I decided I would resort to our "Diabetic Archives". :)
Before there was a Type One Trio, Daniel wrote a poem describing his view of Type One.
The poem was written roughly a year following his diagnosis. 

"I Got Type 1 Diabetes"

"It all got started, October 7th
Tested my blood, I was 411
I got Type 1 Diabetes. 

Across our house *click click* will ring, 
Seeing what my blood sugar will bring,
I got Type 1 Diabetes.

Every time I pull out a shot, 
I hear people mumble what I've got,
Yeah, I have Type 1 Diabetes.

There's shots ll day, shots all night,
If ya got Type One, you've got a long fight,
I got Type One Diabetes.

Across my life *click click* will ring,
To see what my sugar will bring,
I got Type One Diabetes."

 (This photo was taken a month following his diagnosis)

Monday, May 12, 2014

D Blog Week- Day One: Change the World

This is my first year participating in the Annual Diabetes Blog Week

For day one the topic is "Let’s kick off Diabetes Blog Week by talking about the diabetes causes and issues that really get us fired up.".
Where do I start? Though I have already seen posts about furthering education, federal funding bills, or even strip accuracy- the thing that "irks" me is much more simple and foundational.


When someone genuinely cares, they want to help, learn, and support. When someone cares . . . many of the issues that we want resolved would be supported and received in a different light. 

Caring is fueled by love. Love has to bridge. It won't be content to stay put, it has to find solutions.

That's why I started this blog. To give insight into a disease that Type Ones battle every day. To lay a foundation so that people can care! To educate friends and even family who can't understand- unless someone explains. 

America is highly uneducated- simple actions could have incredible impact! Blogs have the ability to construct a network of caring supporters. To teach those who don't understand, and to dictate diabetes from multiple perspectives. Through blogging, a community is assembled. Together- we can address many diabetic issues in number and strength. 

Together- we can change the world.