
I was diagnosed January 31, 2013.

I am the third eldest - and the third youngest. :)

For sure, my diagnosis was considered impossible to our family. Due to the fact that it had been over two years since Daniel's diagnosis, our family had considered me as a Type One, more of a joke than reality. After undergoing surgery on my femur, I was in recovery when I was diagnosed. Still non-weight bearing, I entered the hospital for my therapy . . . little did I know! 

My Mom had noticed my unusual edginess and was to worried to check my blood. Dad tested my blood sugar at the hospital - 498. Impossible. My Dad and I were convinced the tester was wrong. After a rapid glucose test came back, reality struck. I was now the third Type One in three years!

I was recently in college- Nursing major with the goal of specializing in pediatric Endocrinology. Pretty much, I would love to work with Type Ones for the rest of my life! However, as many of you know- I have turned into the T1D Ewings Sarcoma fighter. College has halted for now, but I plan to one day return to college to finish my dream. Just have to beat cancer first!

I started this blog to help encourage other Type Ones, spread our crazy story, and give honest insight into the life of the Type One Trio (and cancer too!).


  1. Just read your post at Miss Mustard Seed blog. You are a wonderful young man, Caleb! My son is 19, and I can only have a vague idea of the challenges that you face. I will read your blog to learn more! I follow Miss Mustard Seed for a while now, and she is such a beautiful person. Thank you for leaving her such a beautiful and encouraging message!

  2. Caleb, Thanks so much for your encouragement and for sharing your story on this blog. Blogs can be a powerful thing and I look forward to reading more and letting my son know about all of the other wonderful boys, girls, men and women who share his disease and how they are living amazing lives. I'm starting to see that God only gives T1D to very special people. :)

  3. Hey Caleb,

    This is your cousin Jesse.

    I am praying for you and your family!

    Love you!

  4. We have been praying for you for many months. May God give you the grace that you need for each day and joy to serve Him.

  5. Hey Caleb,

    This is Jesse your cousin.

    See the sermon on this link called Disciplined for Not Examining Ourselves. Pastor Minnick preached it on October 4th, and it was an encouragement to me!


  6. Caleb,
    I met your father yesterday 12/14/15 I sold him a saw for his work. I don't believe it was the only reason God intended for us to meet however. I believe it was you and your family's story. It was for me to share a brief story of my journey through cancer (stage 4) and share my thoughts with your father.
    Never give up even when you can't go on, find the strength to hand it to God. Lay quietly and listen, rejoice in the peace he has given you. The hardest thing in life on earth is to overcome human nature and the feelings that we have taken on. Believe in prayer and those who pray for you for it is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us from our Mighty Father. Believe in him ALWAYS and let him lead the way.

    I will Keep you in my prayers



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