After three months, sometimes a Type One may begin to feel confident in their attempt to control such a perplexing disease.
Then . . . reality strikes.
Although I think we saw this one coming (T1Trio High's)
Daniel's A1C Result: 9.7
Caleb's A1C Result: 9.3
Hannah's A1C Result: 8.3
After reviewing the numbers, I can concur that a little "tightening of the ship"may be in order. This would entail things such as:
More units of insulin for carb intake (insulin to carb ratio), our correction factor (how much insulin for high blood sugars), . . . less stress. :)
You get the idea!
I'm not worried, the Type One Trio is stuck with playing this game for life . . . techinically, we are all a bunch of rookies! We'll get the hang of it . . .
It's not optional.