If you are, or have, a Type One in your family ... I know you are smiling.
For those who don't know what a lancet is - it is the needle that daily bleeds all Type Ones across the world. What makes this so funny, is that we rarely change them. Once you prick about 8 times, and blood doesn't come, you know its time to change the lancet. Usually that's about a month after you should have! :)
Now for the Pump Post!
I was really worried because the last appointment we had gotten ... nowhere. Due to the fact that I am starting college soon, we were hoping to get me on the pump before college started. The bad thing was that we weren't moving along very fast.
I went into the appointment a bit discouraged, but surprisingly it went really well! I never seem to do well when it comes to seeing my past numbers so she can evaluate all my mistakes ... yeah.
After we dragged ourselves through the hundreds of blood sugar readings, we finally got around to talking about getting myself a pump!
After two hours in the doctors office, I am excited to announce that this coming Tuesday, we will be ordering a Medtronic Insulin Pump!
I am very excited to begin "pumping". Hopefully I can be set up with the pump before I begin college this next month!
Thank you for all your prayers and support!
So glad you are going to get your pump soon! hope all goes well with that and that you can adjust to it before school gets under way :) By the way, love the new look on T1T!!!! :) So neat!